Post Operative Care

Post-Operative Nursing Care

Post-Operative Care is the specialized care provided to a patient who has recently undergone a surgery and needs time and assistance to recover completely from the effects of the surgery and function normally again to lead a normal life. Operations/Surgical procedures are often performed in Hospitals that are high functioning. Both Elective/emergency operative procedures demands a high-quality care setting. Once the medical stability steps in, patient is required to move out of hospital. But, for full functional recovery, continuity of post-operative care is equally important. But, for patients to attain full recovery from any condition, they still need continuous care. Specialized rehabilitation centers are well equipped to take care of patients as they attain full recovery from conditions and make sure that they are completely ready to go home and lead normal lives again. Transition Care-Inpatient rehabilitation care centers are the bridge between the hospital lives and home lives of the patients.

Key Components of Post-Surgery Care

Multidisciplinary Rehab Team:

A team of experienced professionals including doctors, physiotherapist, skilled nurses, nutritionists and psychologists works together seamlessly to improve the health of the patient recovering from surgery in a holistic manner. The emotional health of the patient is given paramount importance when it comes to recovery from surgeries which is emphasized by the fact that emotional Health directly impacts the physical recovery of the patients.

Family Support

A major role that is played by the rehabilitation centers in effective post-operative care is the provision of support to the family. Key focus is health education on the proper ways of patient care and management upon the patient arriving at home. This will help them gaze on what to expect and are prepared accordingly. Along with this, discharge planning is done based on the expert’s advice to be followed for complete recovery of the patients.
Thus, Post-Operative Care in an Inpatient rehabilitation center provide a holistic beneficial experience for the patients and tremendously catalyze their recovery to be fully ready for normal life once again.

Knee Pain Relief after Surgery: How Rehabilitation Helps

Knee replacement surgeries resurface a damaged knee. However, quite often a patient is not fully relieved of the pain even after the surgery. Arthroscopic surgeries, the minimally invasive alternative procedures, could also leave one in pain due to several reasons. Recognizing post operative symptoms early and initiating orthopedic rehabilitation care are essential in order to gain the full benefit of a knee replacement procedure.
Orthopedic rehabilitation is the specialized program designed for individuals suffering from musculoskeletal ailments to improve strength, endurance, flexibility and restore mobility & independence. Some common conditions which require orthopedic rehabilitation include hip or knee replacement surgeries, fractures, arthritis, sports injuries, degenerative joint diseases among others.

What causes Knee Pain after Surgery?

Post-operative pain is commonly reported among those who had a knee replacement procedure. However, some people may face more struggles during the recovery period due to certain co-morbidities. Few reasons why your knees may hurt after the surgery are⦁ Inadequate rehabilitation

While applying ice and anti-inflammatory medications could help in reducing inflammations, nothing like a systematic rehabilitation programme can help in keeping a check on the co-morbidities thus providing complete pain relief and empowered recovery

What causes Knee Pain after Surgery?

In order to have a minimally painful experience, doctors and therapists recommend undergoing a pre-rehabilitation programme before undergoing the surgery. Patients who followed an active lifestyle and performed pre-rehabilitation tactics including performing of exercises for up to 8 weeks until the surgery, recover faster. Therapeutic interventions and highly targeted exercises in the weeks leading up to surgery, strengthen the muscles around the joint, enhance blood circulation, reduce fatigue, swelling and risk of blood clots and improve the overall recovery. This is a way of preparing the knee joint for surgery.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation for Knee Pain Relief & Empowered

Orthopedic injuries, surgeries and illnesses could interfere with the function of the musculoskeletal system (comprising of muscles, bones, cartilage, joints etc) of the body thereby impairing movement and locomotion. For those who had very active lifestyles will find it extremely difficult to adjust with this condition and will require specialized care to easily get back to their normal lives. Orthopedic rehabilitation is thus recommended for early, effective and empowered care.

Key Components of Orthopedic Rehabilitation programmes

Ten Reasons Why One Should opt for Rehabilitation After Hip or Knee Replacement Surgeries

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